May has been a fantastic month – one because I hit 200 sales in my shop and two because we celebrated my daughters ninth birthday this month. I’ve had some great posts on my blog this month also – come by and check them out.
~ Polly
Hello everyone! My name is Danielle and I blog over at Framed Frosting. I've been extremely busy this month organizing the Secret
Blogger Swap. There are about 90 ladies involved and they are all
sending a package to another blogger. In fact, we're all linking up on
the blog today to share what we got. Feel free to head on over and look
at some of the amazing packages! And stay tuned because I might be
planning another one here soon!
~ Danielle
This month I've been keeping busy with wedding invitations and
save-the-dates, as is appropriate for the season. However, I didn't
forget that next month holds Father's Day, so I have added a few cards
that you can purchase for your awesome dad!
In other news, my husband has been gone all month at training (and
unable to communicate with me) and he finally comes home at the end of
this week!!! yay!
Hi I'm Tara from SewTara and I'm just counting the days until summer holidays so I can be home and create as much as I'd like! Or as much as I can with 2 little ones underfoot. I'm hoping to learn some new skills and make some big changes in my shop.
~ Tara

Things have been busy over at That Mama Gretchen! We're getting ready to welcome baby #2 in August and packing to move in with my parents for a few months while our house is being built. With all this craziness I'm lining up guest posts
that will debut over the summer and in to early fall, if you're
interested, let me know :) I'd love to share your birth story, parenting
tips, DIY, favorite recipe or any other fun idea!
~ Gretchen
I've been very busy finding and wearing vintage treasures, thinking up easy ways to jazz up casual outfits and watching The Avengers with a slack jaw. I also attended Free Comic Book Day with my beloved in the best couples costume ever. May has been very good to me!
~ Vanessa

It's been a busy old month, I had some surgery and I've been off my feet
a while, it's been quiet in the Kitchen. However the twins and I have
started Saturday Baking Club,
the twins wanted to learn to bake. All the time I've been resting I
have caught up on my knitting, so there will be new stock soon in the
shop. Things are getting back to normal and I am baking again, yay!
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