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Monday, August 22, 2011

7 Day Push - Drinking Water


Last week's 7 Day Push was all about eating your fruits and veggies. This is something I normally partake in, but last week it seems I failed epically! I suppose I took it for granted that I would add a good amount of fruits and veggies onto my meals, but with a whirlwind day off spent wedding planning, little time for groceries and a busy work week it seems fruits and veggies lacked importance.

This week, however, is water. 8 glasses a day! I love water. I love water sports, swimming, cottages, and especially a clean and refreshing glass of H2O.

So this week I am going to follow Ashley and continue (or start) eating my fruits and veggies, and try to add the recommended 64 ounces of water per day. I already choose water when most people would reach for juice or pop, but I think this challenge will do me well. Also water is supposed to be good for the skin, and with only 5 weeks to go until the wedding. The more hydrated the skin the better!

Want to join in the 7 day push fun? Click the button at the top, and read, or link up along with us!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that tea is water, juice is water AND nutrition, lettuce is water, watermelon is water....
    It's all there; multitask!


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