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About the Girl

I am 
a wife, daughter, aunt, friend, mama, and puppy lover.

Our family
I married the man of my dreams, he and I continue to live as self-sufficiently as possible. We started our family with an energetic black lab named Gunner, who goes on many of our adventures with us. We had our first child, who I referred to as Pip, while he was in utero. Now he is almost 2 1/2 and we are expecting babe #2. Pip says he expects a baby sister, but we have yet to know for sure.

Things I love
The colour orange, sunrises, chai tea, snuggles, warm rain, family, the cottage, nature.

Things I do
Bake, create (rug-hook, sew), photograph, preserve, hike, explore, teach, inspire.

People who Inspire Me

Other Places you can Find Me
Photography Shop - Knotted Tree Photo
Craft Shop - Hooked Goods

If you have any questions about my blog, Newfoundland or my experiences there please e-mail me, or comment on a post. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
