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Monday, November 11, 2013

Indie Gift Box Feature

I had eluded to this earlier this year, but I wanted to share once it was published. I am one of the contributing artists for Indie Gift Box this month.
This is an awesome little company in the US that gathers small handmade items from crafters and artists, packages them in themes and sells them to folks at an extremely good rate. For $20-$25 you receive items from a number of different handmade artists, as well as promotional materials and discounts for shops. It is a great way to find out about small handmade businesses, especially with the holidays right around the corner. If you were looking for some unique stocking stuffers this might be a great idea for you! I encourage you to go check out the IGB website, read my feature post, or if you are super keen, buy a box, I promise there will be something nice from me ;)

Also, while we are on the subject of KTP, I am in the process of adding a few new photos/prints/cards to the shop. Stay tuned. I will update once they are posted!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Most Epic Cyber Monday Sale Ever!

You need to get in on this! Cody, amazing Monster creator from Lu and Ed, has organized this sale:

Click over here to find out more about the shops that are participating, and get ready for some Cyber Monday Madness!

One month today.
Be there.
And save money on awesome handmade products!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Holiday Hooking

I am teaching another course at Needles in the Hay tomorrow, 2-4pm. If you are local, and interested in learning how to rug-hook, there is still some room in the workshop! I have been working on a new festive design, as well as making up some coaster kits. I can't seem to make up enough to get my shop stocked up, but I am hoping to get that done in the next week or two!
I seem to have a lot of crafting happening this fall, and so far it has been great. Very busy, but a wonderful experience also! I will hopefully have a few of the kits photographed and in the shop by the end of next week, just in time for a crafty Christmas gift!

Happy Crafting friends!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Hallowe'en!

Here are a few snaps of our very busy, but festive day!
We started off the day with some pumpkin carving, and both the boys tasted the pumpkin guts!
Then we had a short practice walk at Grandma and Grandpa's house (right after a screaming fit about wearing a vest!).

All suited up and ready to visit the neighbours, you can't see my hat, but it reads "successful big game hunter". See my big catch? And thanks to Cody for my awesome trick-or-treat tote! 
Tuckered little man. After all the adventures it was home for a sampling of the treats, a bath and then bed!

What a great day! Can't wait for the next adventure :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Magic of Sparkle

I am a lucky lady. I spend my summers working outside in a park it is a busy and tiring job, but I love it. Then, in the off season, I work part time at a local retail location, which I also love and spend time at home with my little man. That is except for one day. One day a week my in-laws are wonderful enough to watch Pip so I can focus on my creative pursuits (or house cleaning, but most the creative thing ;).

Yesterday was that one day. Reggie takes our little guy in to town, and I have one full work day to get as much accomplished as possible. And soon as they left... I wanted so badly to sunggle back under the warmth of our duvet and snooze, but... ain't nobody got time for that!

It was a beautiful bright morning with a sparkly hard frost, and I decided to take the pup, my camera and a hot cup of tea and head for the woods. And I remembered (as I do every time I head out on a photography adventure), why I love the art. A quiet morning in the crisp, cool air with my thoughts and my lens. I took a number of photos, likely more than 200, and of course only have a few to work with, but I wanted to share a couple with you.

Here is a peek of my adventure into the magical world of an early morning sparkle:

These will make their way into my shop in the next couple weeks, as prints and cards. And, I would love and feedback you have!

I hope you are having a wonderful day, and you have better weather where ever you are (it's rainy here)!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Espanola Fibre Arts Festival

Are you noticing a theme? So far my fall has been busy with fibre arts and crafts, and I love it! Last weekend Pip, my mom and I made the rather long trip up to Espanola, Ontario to attend their Fibre Arts Festival. We stayed with some friends on Friday, and then Saturday morning as my brother was prepared to look after Pip, mom and I headed to Espanola to set-up for the festival. It was cool and rainy but what a warm atmosphere inside!
Above is a view of my tables (I'm in the blue sweater, looking into the basket on the left), one of the few photos of the day, none of which I took. I was so busy demonstrating rug-hooking, giving mini lessons and selling my introduction to rug-hooking kits I barely even had time to eat. I was surprised, but I sold out of almost everything I took, and people were so interested to learn about the craft, and where I learned.

I also taught a workshop in the afternoon to a group of 15 people, 8 of whom were kids around the age of 10. And everyone loved it! I so enjoy teaching, it is awesome to watch as people begin to understand the craft, and then through the workshop become more proficient. I am hoping I get some photos of completed work, or even semi-completed with questions would be exciting!

Overall it was an amazing day! I am definitely planning on heading back next year, partly because I didn't have time to see the other artists and displays, but mostly because it was such a relaxed, positive and encouraging atmosphere! Thanks so much to the Espanola Fibre Arts Festival for putting on such an awesome event, and to my mom for helping run my table - couldn't have done it without you!

I am planning on stocking Hooked Goods with some patterns in the next week or two, and if you are local to Peterborough there is another workshop at Needles in the Hay on November 2nd.

Happy Crafting!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Rug-Hooking Workshop!

Hi! It's been a while, but I have some things up my sleeves for this fall, so get ready. To start out I am going to be offering a few rug-hooking workshops at Needles in the Hay, near-by in Peterborough.

The first workshop is tomorrow! And I am super excited to share my love of rug-hooking with some new folks. Here is the description from the website:
Beginner Rug Hooking
The Beginner Workshop will cover a basic introduction to the art of rug-hooking. This includes various techniques for hooking, as well as different tools and supplies you can use.  A small kit is available for purchase with a design on burlap, a small hoop and instructions to make a coaster sized rug. Hooks will be available to borrow or purchase, and yarn will be available for use during the workshop.
Instructor: Margot.
$25 for one session + materials. 2-4 p.m.

Click here For a full calendar of workshops available at Needles in the Hay.

There will be other workshops, and a craft sale or two this year that I will share as the time draws nearer, as well as some other things I am working on.

Hope your first week of fall has been lovely!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

All work, and lots of play!

I'm back to work, although some people might argue that my work is more like play. But I'm not complaining, in fact maybe I even planned it that way. :) Here are some of the characters I have been dealing with since being back to work:
We have had lots of turtles nesting on and near the beach. This snapping turtle was kind enough to let me take photos and videos of her. We have since protected the nest so no animals dig it up for a snack.
Mama and Papa Goose, and 6 little goslings. It doesn't take long and they are into their awkward teen stage :)
Doe and fawn were down by the river for a drink. It was a happy moment to see these sets of prints together. The day before we saw the fawn, with no mother around and were worries something had happened.

What do you do for work?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I blinked and then....

Two months had gone by....

My little baby became a toddling, babbling little boy....

Programming is into full swing at work....

Summer has arrived, and with it an intense heat wave!

Here is a glimpse into our last two months:

Spring walks in the forest, with red and white Trilliums!
Pip loves to explore the outdoors, he is watching Daddy cut the grass!
Playtime at the Park.

 Lately we've been beating the heat by putting our toes in the water, boating down the near-by river and drinking lots of ice cold drinks!

How is summer where you are? Are you finding good ways to stay cool?


Monday, April 22, 2013


Enjoying some sunshine on the deck!
It has been about one month since I posted on here. (Time is just flying by, I feel like I am dreaming.)
It is exactly one week until I start back to my summer job - full time here I come.
A little less than a month until my baby turns one!
It is all such a rush, sometimes I struggle to keep up - One day at a time!

Here's to summer, just around the corner!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spreading Fibre Love

This past weekend I participated in the Third Annual Fibre Arts Festival in Peterborough. I was there on behalf of Hooked Goods, sharing some of my rug-hooking knowledge. I was amazed at the people who were interested in rug-hooking both learning how it works and about where I learned the craft.

For the Festival I created a couple blank frames for visitors to give rug-hooking a try, and I was working on my own piece as a demonstration. I also created a few small kits that folks could purchase to give rug-hooking a try on their own.

The kits were really popular, with a small coaster sized design on burlap, a hoop and basic instructions, people seemed really interested in trying out the new (to them) craft! And because of the interest and demand I've decided to make some more kits, and perhaps list them in the shop - so be on the look-out if you are interested in trying your hand at a little hooking!

I also made connections with numerous people who were interested in learning through hands-on workshops, so I will be creating a few workshops in order to teach this traditional craft. If you are near me and interested, feel free to send me an e-mail with any questions!


Monday, March 18, 2013

A Day without Milk

You might think I'm referring to my little guy, however, I am in fact referring to myself. This morning we woke after an extremely busy weekend, with no milk in the fridge. Now for most people this is not a big deal, but for me, this is a problem! I have cereal every morning and I drink copious amounts of tea throughout the day - always with milk. But this morning there was none. And we don't live especially close to a store, nor did I have the enthusiasm before breakfast. I usually have evaporated or dry milk powder in the cupboard for baking, and have been known to dip into these in the case of a dire emergency. But we were all out of these too! Not even a little yogurt that I could have with my cereal. What is a girl to do? Well I survived. And I thought you might be interested in what I came up with.

For breakfast I had some toast: homemade oatmeal bread, with grape jelly on one slice and peach jam on the other. And I did have tea, spiced chai rooibos, without milk, but it was still delicious!
For lunch Pip and I had left over moose steak, rice and asparagus. And for dessert I thawed some frozen strawberries and blueberries, mixed them with canned peaches from the summer and some homemade granola... and delicious!

For supper we are planning to have some bear soup from the freezer (yes I said bear) and homemade oatmeal bread. And perhaps some more frozen berries for dessert :)

Now I have to admit I just sent an e-mail to Reggie, asking for him to pick up a few things on his way home, milk being one of them. And I can't promise I'm not going to have some cereal when he gets here. It seems I just can't make it through a day without milk.

Is there anything you can't bear to go without?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lies on Facebook, and elsewhere...

I read this blog post a little while ago on Raising Kvell. I'm not Jewish, but this post still rang very true with me. The author shares her posts from facebook, which depict a happy, shiny family getting along perfectly well on a beautiful sunny morning. Then, she proceeds to describe how her day actually rolled out - very different.

I'd recommend if you have a minute to read the post in the above link. It's entertaining in the least, but I am sure we are all guilty of sharing only the happy parts of our lives in facebook - so we can all relate. Anyways, in light of this post I thought I might share a couple of the not so happy moments with little Pip. Just so you all know he isn't always a perfectly happy little fella!

 Only a few weeks old, he was so cold and mad when I decided to take his photo post bath.
Daddy and I have both attempted to use our computer while holding the baby - it is impossible now as he is very interested, and given the chance would love to mash those keys :)
Waiting for daddy to load the boat when leaving the cottage, the tired hungry little guy was not happy to be placed in the 'soft' grass.
 When photo shoots are most important... and baby's comfort not. (2 months)
  Again, too many photos make an unhappy babe.
Not particularly happy on his tummy, the smile lasted about 3 seconds, and turned to this expression followed closely by a loud scream. (about 7 months)

I'm bad for mostly taking photos when he is happy and smiling. I think after the post I read I am going to try to share some 'real life' photos and stories, along with the happy, smiley ones.

Hope your Friday is wonderful!