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Friday, November 30, 2012

Pip Update: 6 Months (a little less late)

From the eyes of a sweet little Pipster!

These last couple months have just flown by! I thought the summer was busy with all our travelling and visiting friends and family, but things really haven't slowed down since then. I recently got my first (and second) cold. Which I think was harder for mom because I don't sleep very well when I'm stuffy, and after my first cold mom got one that lasted a long time and she was really tired. Now I'm on my second and daddy's got one too. They told me this is normal for the wintertime, but I don't like it. These colds can just take a hike!
Posing with Daddy and his deer!
In other news I am a big boy! I haven't been to the doctor for my sixth month check-up yet, but mama and daddy guess I'm about 20lbs! And I have teeth! Just the bottom front two, mama tried to get a photo but I guess I'm a bit of a monkey and it was too hard.

And I'm eating solids now, I have been for a while. And I always hear people say I'm a good eater, so I guess that's a good thing. I really like pears, applesauce, and berries; but most of all I want what my parent's are eating! I guess I have to wait for a few more teeth.

Well it's just about time for my nap, mama needs a break. I hope everyone is getting excited for Christmas. I hear it's a big deal but I'm not sure I'll get it for another year or two.


(obviously this was written earlier, and just posted now... even later ;)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Knotted Tree Photography Update (Black Friday Sale)

So it has been a while since I shared an update on one of my shops. Well Knotted Tree is doing well, and I'm excited to say I'm offering a pretty sweet deal for Black Friday:

Get 40% off your total purchase with code: BLACKFRIDAYSALE

The code will be valid from now until Monday at Midnight EST. And you can even use it on the multiple print listings - which means even more savings for you! Have you had your eye on a print but couldn't justify it, well now is your chance!

Also, as if that sale isn't exciting enough, Knotted Tree now has a facebook page. Like us on facebook to hear about new listings, updates, and deals on a regular basis!

Go to Knotted Tree Photography on Facebook

And that's it for updates just now! I will share some of the craft show creations I have been working on soon!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Christmas Cookies and Things!

Do you like Christmas? How about Cookies? Well then do I have an event for you! As I mentioned earlier on the blog I will be doing a Christmas Cookie Countdown similar to last December, although this year I will be altering it just a little to include squares, loaves and gifting ideas! And each Friday I plan to post a link-up where you can share some of the recipes you've tried, variations or new ideas altogether!
So I am looking for a little bit of help with this event. Do you have a great festive family recipe that you'd like to share? Or would you be willing to co-host a link-up? If so please click here, and fill out the short form. I would be forever grateful! And there might even be a little incentive in it for you, in the form of a small Christmas surprise...
Thanks for stopping by, and I look forward to seeing what you want to bake! ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pip Update: 5 Months (a little late)

So this will be short and sweet, because I'm obviously a little late! The last few months have just flown by, with little time for anything let alone blogging. So it's been a little quiet around here the last little while. But I do have some posts planned, and once this cold is gone for good I have lots of things I want to share on here!
I couldn't believe it when we hit 5 months! Where did the time go? Pip is such a smiley baby sometimes I spend the days just playing with him.
At Thanksgiving he finally met my baby brother, and had a great time visiting with him and my family :)
He loves to play on his changing table, not the safest place, but I make sure I'm right there! And he loves his bog brother, Gunner. Gunner has also taken a keen interest in licking leftover milk and food off of Pip's face. He's also enjoying tummy time a little more, he can hold himself up and likes to dig his little toes into the ground - I think he'll figure it out soon. And, he has been chewing everything in sight, I think there are bound to be teeth soon!
Isn't he a cute little guy? I know, I'm biased, but he is so content it is hard to complain about him! And be sure to check back in a few days, I'll post about the most recent month, because we are about to hit 6 months! Wow!
