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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Approaching Minimalism

 So after I decided to simplify our life this year, I was told of this great challenge by Nourishing Minimalism. The challenge is to reduce the clutter in your life, by getting rid of 2014 items in 2014. At first I thought this was crazy! 2014 things! That is a lot of stuff. But then I was doing the post Christmas purge, and decided to count the items I was going to donate anyways... I got to 100 without even trying, and decided I might as well join in.

So now, after a little over two weeks I have purged over 500 items, and I am feeling great! There is still a lot of stuff to get rid of, and even more to go through, but it feels good to be simplifying.

I am not sure that we will ever be minimalists (Reggie and I have far too many hobbies), but it would just be great to be approaching minimalism by reducing the stuff that always seems to be taking up our space and time!

Anyways, if this is something that interests you I would definitely click through the link above and read a little about it on your own :)

Happy de-cluttering

Sunday, January 5, 2014


 It is 2014! I just cannot believe the time that is flying by, before I know it my little man will be moving out and I will be wondering where in the world all those years went. Time to slow down.

I am sure everyone out there is busy making lists, New Year's resolutions, Goals, things to do, places to go, people to visit; and normally I would jump right in, but this year I am going to do something a little different. I am going to try to simply my life. I have felt so tired lately, and I have had more than my share of colds since winter graced us with his snowy presence. And I am beginning to realize that a wholesome life doesn't necessarily need to be filled to the brim with stuff, and commitments, and trips, and so on. So my one and only goal/resolution/plan this year is to simplify. I am not even going to put a specific requirement as to how, or when or with what I am going to simplify; I am just going to do it. I will, however, share my progress with you. And if you have decided to simplify any part of your life I'd love to hear all about it! Feel free to leave a comment below and tell me how, when, what! Or if you made a traditional resolution list, I'd be happy to hear about that too!

Here's to a happy, loving, simple 2014!